An average $6,671 per year in credit card processing with Best Card, a 28% savings! Call 877-739-3952.
MDA has endorsed Best Card since 2008. Best Card works with thousands of dental offices around the country, offering honest pricing and unbeatable customer service.
- MDA members receive exclusive rates and equipment discounts
- Tailored solutions to fit your practice
- Seamless transitions
- No early termination fees
- Personalized customer service
- Exclusive equipment and processing discounts
- No leases, hidden fees or monthly minimums
Reasons you should look at your practice's credit card processing options:
- The average dental office takes 94.8% more in card payments than they did 10 years ago. Any part of your business that grows this much needs to be re-evaluated to make sure that it's still meeting the needs of your bottom line.
- Processors can (and frequently do) raise fees above what is on your contract. All it takes is a 30-day notice from them to you. A great deal that you were promised years ago is often very expensive now, even without mergers.
- There are many options to streamline your payment setup and minimize contact between staff and patients...And they do not have to cost and arm and a leg. Our goal is to get you the right processing setup, whether you want: A simple, low-cost, standalone terminal; a sleek tablet based point-of-sale system; or an all-in-one online system that allows for payments on your office computers, lets you run automatic recurring payment plans, lets you accept payments on your website, and can automatically post payments to popular dental software.
Visit Best Card at www.BestCardTeam.com/MT. Call Best Card at 877-739-3952 to learn more. Find your recent processing statement and fax to 866-717-7247 or email it to Compare@BestCardTeam.com for a detailed savings analysis.